Thursday, September 14th, 2023

Kailaasa in Houston
6 min readSep 18, 2023


Navagraha Abhishekam

ādityāya cha somāya maṅgalāya budhāya cha |
guru śukra śanibhyaścha rāhave ketave namaḥ ‖

Salutations to the Navagrahaas, the Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu.

The improper planetary alignment for an individual is called “dosha” or negative influence. Each graha represents a component of our cognition and karma in our inner world. It holds a particular resonance in you as a power of your being.

Sometimes Even when we have Guru, there are some things within ourselves which will not let us enjoy the blessings of Guru.

Here is an example of Rahu, directly from SPH Himself.

“Rahu is a shadow planet. He is not the actual matter. He is a shadow planet. Incompletion is Rahu, Completion is Ketu.

Incompletion never tells you that you are incomplete.

When your Ketu is high, you are always pushed more and more towards Guru. Rahu influence increases more and more on you, you are always pushed away from the Guru.

To be out of the game between Rahu and Ketu creates intense incompletion in you. Don’t leave a single incompletion unattended.

Rahu promises beautiful life and doesn’t deliver. Ketu never promises, but delivers. Rahu is the body, Ketu is the face, head. Rahu is the matter, Ketu is Consciousness.

Understand; do not allow even little incompletions. The parihara, prayaschitta to save yourself from Rahu is Guru’s Kripa, Guru’s blessings. Not you seeing the Guru through TV, Guru seeing you all the time. That is the only thing which can save you from the negative influences of Rahu.

Rahu gives you the fantasy of bright life, but ditches you in a worst way. Ketu never promises you, but showers best life on you.

… When Rahu takes over, he separates you from Guru and he also doesn’t give you anything other than suffering. When Guru takes over, he gives you Guru and all the best things of life, all the good things of the life. “ — SPH JGM Bhagawan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam

On Occasion of Amavasya, Kailasa Houston offered NAVAGRAHA Abhishekam and Laghu Puja.

Thank you Swamiji! 🙏Thursday, September 14th, 2023

Navagraha Abhishekam

ādityāya cha somāya maṅgalāya budhāya cha |
guru śukra śanibhyaścha rāhave ketave namaḥ ‖

Salutations to the Navagrahaas, the Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu.

The improper planetary alignment for an individual is called “dosha” or negative influence. Each graha represents a component of our cognition and karma in our inner world. It holds a particular resonance in you as a power of your being.

Sometimes Even when we have Guru, there are some things within ourselves which will not let us enjoy the blessings of Guru.

Here is an example of Rahu, directly from SPH Himself.

“Rahu is a shadow planet. He is not the actual matter. He is a shadow planet. Incompletion is Rahu, Completion is Ketu.

Incompletion never tells you that you are incomplete.

When your Ketu is high, you are always pushed more and more towards Guru. Rahu influence increases more and more on you, you are always pushed away from the Guru.

To be out of the game between Rahu and Ketu creates intense incompletion in you. Don’t leave a single incompletion unattended.

Rahu promises beautiful life and doesn’t deliver. Ketu never promises, but delivers. Rahu is the body, Ketu is the face, head. Rahu is the matter, Ketu is Consciousness.

Understand; do not allow even little incompletions. The parihara, prayaschitta to save yourself from Rahu is Guru’s Kripa, Guru’s blessings. Not you seeing the Guru through TV, Guru seeing you all the time. That is the only thing which can save you from the negative influences of Rahu.

Rahu gives you the fantasy of bright life, but ditches you in a worst way. Ketu never promises you, but showers best life on you.

… When Rahu takes over, he separates you from Guru and he also doesn’t give you anything other than suffering. When Guru takes over, he gives you Guru and all the best things of life, all the good things of the life. “ — SPH JGM Bhagawan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam

On Occasion of Amavasya, Kailasa Houston offered NAVAGRAHA Abhishekam and Laghu Puja.

Thank you Swamiji! 🙏



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